2017 CPANS Conference – Call for Abstracts!

General Information (Session details and schedule to follow) The 2017 CPANS annual conference will be held at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Participants of this conference will include environmental researchers, educators, students, environmental...

Update for AERflare-incin.xlsm

CPANS would like to share the following information: AERflare-incin.206.161027.xlsm An update for AERflare-incin.xlsm has been posted to correct some functionality: Windows 10 Update KB3199209 leads to crash of Excel when AERflare-incin is loaded. Minor bug fixes...

Windows 10 Users Update from AERtools

CPANS would like to share the following information: PLEASE NOTE WINDOWS 10 USERS The recent (October 18, 2016) Windows 10 update for x64-systems (KB3199209) is creating many secondary issues.  We have noticed that AERflare-incin.xlsm MAY NOT run properly and will...

CPANS Membership Satisfaction Survey

Please take part in our Membership Satisfaction Survey to help us serve you better as members of CPANS. In addition, as part of this survey, we have a list of courses CPANS is planning on offering and your feedback would be appreciated! Click HERE for the survey!...