Wednesday, May 21st, 2025

Theme:     Building Resilient Communities

Venue:      Lister Conference Centre (1-047 Lister Centre), University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2H6

General Information

The 2025 CPANS annual conference will be held at the Lister Conference Center, Edmonton, Alberta. Participants at this conference will include environmental researchers, educators, students, environmental managers, other professionals, environmental industry representatives, and policy makers. The conference will be a great opportunity for attendees to develop new collaborations and share knowledge with experts from various fields in air and waste management.

Registration Links: 

Advance Rate registration is now open! Click the links in the table below!

Advance Rate After March 31st
Registration Type A&WMA Member Non-Member A&WMA Member Non-Member
Full conference registration $250 $325 $300 $375
Presenter / Full-time Student $100 $100 $100 $100
Exhibitor* $450 $450 $500 $500

 * One 8′ x 10′ exhibit space (6′ long table + extension power cord) and 1 conference registration.

Please contact Travis Tokarek with any general conference questions at

Call for Abstracts!

If you are interested in presenting at this year’s conference, please submit an abstract and your biography to:
Travis Tokarek at, and cc:
Madhan Selvaraj at, and
Tania Guha at

Abstracts are due on or before Friday, April 11, 2025.

Abstract Instruction and Format
The abstract should be 350 words or less. Type font should be Calibri 12 point. The presentation title (in bold) should be at the top of the page. If selected, authors will be able to alter the presentation title up to two weeks prior to the conference date. The affiliation for each author should be next, followed by the author’s name, mailing address, phone number, and email address (all in bold). Email will be the primary means for communication. The conference committee reserves the right to edit the abstract for grammar and format since it may be used in the preliminary and final programs for the conference.

Author Name and Biography

A brief biography of the presenter must be included with the abstract. Please describe, in no more than 150 words, the professional background, credentials, and education of the presenter.

Student Poster Competition

General Information

Are you passionate about air quality, waste management, or environmental sustainability? Showcase your innovative ideas and research in the Student Poster Competition! This is your opportunity to present your work, network with professionals, and compete for cash awards. For more information please click here.

If you have research that you would like to present in our poster competition, please submit an abstract to cpans.scholarship@gmail.comThe top 3 posters selected by our panel of judges will be awarded cash prizes (1st = $300, 2nd = $150, 3rd = $100)! The cost to attend the conference is $50 for students. The deadline to submit an abstract is April 11, 2025.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Open to Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral Students.
  • The student must be the first (lead) author of the abstract.
  • Postdoctoral researchers are not eligible.

Abstract Requirements

  • Only one poster (abstract) per student can be entered into the competition.
  • The student must be the first (senior) author of the abstract, the major contributor to the material presented, and the person presenting the poster.
  • The abstract should be 350 words or less.  Type font should be Calibri 12 point.

Criteria for Selection

  • Originality of the research
  • Quality of the execution
  • Impact to the field
  • Organization and clarity of presentation

Winners will be announced at the end of the conference.

Good luck and we hope to see you at the conference!


Platinum Sponsors:

Gold Sponsors:

Supporting Sponsors:

Scholarship Opportunities

Scholarship opportunities are available through the Air & Waste Management Association.